Shosoin Collection List pectram detail

Complete list of SHOSOIN Collection solid objects 'Shosoin Tanabetu MOKUROKU', Nara, Japan.

by Reiji Yamashina, 2008, August. 27th. UPDATED (1st Released, 2003 July)

I aim in this a complete inventry of Sho-so-IN colection solid artifacts. This does not contain Buddhist sutra library(about five thousands scrolls, former To-Dai-JI temple Library) which was merged this collection at 1894. This does not describe detail of large lot( e. g. no.209 COLOURED RUGS (North151) 14items). This does not contain many fragment documents/records.@This does not contain detail entries of about 100,000 fragments of textile.

This is a faithful copy of the English entries of "Sho-so-In Tanabetsu Mokuroku" published at 1951 and corrected ed. 1955 by Imperial Agency, Japan. 2nd et al lines small characters are additive descriptions by me. Title and subtitles(e.g. north 2nd floor) are translated by me. Head number(e.g. 16) is a slip tag number atouched to each treasure. tail number (e.g. (NORTH158)) is an official code in Sho-so-In Office, Nara at 1950. Addtive short description are written by me on this "Sho-so-In Tanabetsu Mokuroku" japanese descriptions and other books.

Japan Imperial Agency site shows some informations. Japanese text site of the agency offers the selected illustrated list of this collection. It contains many images with Japanese text captions.

Click the small image, you can show an enlarged and fine image. Coulour images without notices are made from old woodblock reproduction or lithograph before 1930, so the detail are not strictly correct. I prefer these than recent rough colour photographs.The Copyright of the original woodblock reproduction (or lithograph) is free, now. Monochrome images are made from photograph plates published before 1928.


by Reiji Yamashina, 2003, July 1st Released. 2008, July UPDATE