Controversy on the Crucifixion by Hieronymus Bosch (2020 APRIL 11)


Some scholars wrote that a donor in the Crucifixion by Hieronymus Bosch in Royal Museum in Bruxelles was overpainted once to Marie Magdalena and restored to the original in 1960s. But it is dubious.



In WWW, this site shew the image : Crucifixion with a Donor in WEB MUSEUM.
Some scholars wrote that a male donor in the Calvario/ Crucifixion by Hieronymus Bosch(1450?-1516) in Bruxelles had been once overpainted to Mary Magdalene. In 1960s it was restored to the original, they wrote.

Royal Museum site described:
Hieronymus van Aken Bosch Calvaire avec donateur (ca. 1490)
Inv. 6639
Dimensions : 74,7 x 61 x 1,5
Origine : Acquired from Mme F. Franchomme-Van Halteren, Bruxelles, 1952

S.Fisher(Ref1) postulates:

1968/1967 restoration remove the face of maria Magdalene. it is reason condition of the face is poor.

But it is true? The Plates(Images) published in 1949(ref4) shows the same status of the present. The donor isn't Maria Magdalene. I show the Frontpages and credit of the book. The photo in this book was taken before 1949. Is it certain that the change to Maria Magdalene in 20th century?? Between 1967 and before 1949. The catalogue in the Bosch Special Exhibition in North Brabant Museum(ref2) doesn't show any description on such splendid restauration.Mia Cinotti(1967 ref3) also lacked these description. This catalogue raisonne was published in 1967 akin to the restoration date.

These evidences show the restoration should be backed to the 1930s and before,if it might be done.
The North Brabant Museum Exhibition (1967) was the plausible chance on the supposed 1968/1967 restoration which Fisher described. But the content of the restauration should not be removal of Maria Magdalene.


  1. Stefan Fischer, Hieronymus Bosch The Complete Works Taschen America Llc (2014/3/1)
  2. Jheronymus Bosch Exhibition, Noordbrabants Museum.'s-Hertogenbosch, 17 september tm 15 november 1967, Catalogue edited by K G Boon; Jan Karel Steppe et al. English text Version.
  3. Mia Cinotti, Tout Oeuvre peint des Jerome Bosch, Paris , Flammarion, 1967
  4. Jean Leymarie Jerome Bosch Edition Aimery Somogy, 1949, Paris